SME Business Loan

Provides flexible financial assistance with longer tenors than the competition to support registered micro, SME business enterprises coupled with financial guidance, support and close attention.

Types of Loans for Small Businesses in Ghana

Personal Loan

Provides clients, particularly self-employed women, financial assistance for fish farming, running local retail shops, acquisition of household goods and other assorted trades and services.

Educational Loan

Provides targeted financing for continuing educational services for professionals attending programs in the evening or weekends. Helps borrowers to upgrade for the next professional role, obtain promotions at the workplace and become more marketable for future opportunities.

Starting a business in Ghana

Salary Loan Advance

Provide loans to Payroll workers in the formal sector. Geared towards bank staff to manage risk and curtail NPLs. Loan is typically secured by vehicles and post-dated checks.

Save For Loan

Provides clients, particularly self-employed women, financial assistance for fish farming, running local retail shops, acquisition of household goods and other assorted trades and services.